As we look to expand our club membership and our impact on our community, it's important we remember and try to understand what draws people in to the Rotary and our club. This month we learn about why Maureen Neumaier was drawn to our club. 
Why did I join Rotary?
A friend asked me! I was having coffee with a group of friends. Kathy Frank came to coffee
directly from having spoken at the Rush Henrietta Rotary meeting. She said what a nice group
of people she had met. They had invited her back and she invited me to go with her. She and I
joined the same day a month or two later. That was in May of 2015.

In turn, I have invited friends to attend and they have become members. I tell people that
Rotary gives me the opportunity to serve the community in many different ways. Club
members are open to hearing new ideas for projects. I think Kicking Hunger is one of the
biggest projects we have recently become involved in. I remember when the organizer brought
the idea to our club. The club got involved in the run and donations to the pantry. It is nice to
see a project from the beginning.

Whether in a neighboring town or across the ocean, as Rotarians, we are welcome at other
Rotary club meetings. I know that some clubs suggest that new members visit other clubs to
get to know Rotary. I have visited Scottsville and Penfield meetings. My husband and I had the
pleasure of attending a Rotary meeting in Germany. We were welcomed with a hearty

In the past I have enjoyed attending district events, meeting new people and learning about
Rotary International and what other clubs are doing. The pandemic changed everything, the
structure of our meetings and what projects we could do. It really took a toll on all of us. I
think getting back to meetings in person and attending events is important because that is how
we inspire each other. It is important to remember that we are not just one club, but we are
one of many clubs around the world doing great things.